Welcome to the review section!

Sort of.. calling them reviews I feel gives the idea that I'm putting effort into them. In a more granular sense it's just my thoughts on whatever it is. Sometimes I have a lot to say about something. Other times...not so much.
Also worth mentioning that reviews from before February 2024 have a chance of formatting issues due to importing them from my Tumblr. I'm aware of it and slowly working to fix it. Also there will be multiple entries for a single piece of media because I like logging my thoughts for things I've gone back to; to see how I've changed.

So how does it all work?

Click on a type of media above; Click on the title. Easy peasy.

The scores will also include the audience I think it'd be for. So if you click on a title, you'll get an idea of whether you'd interact with it if you want to go in spoilerless. Generally my reviews stay in the abstract but sometimes I get specific but I'll mention whether you'll find heavy spoilers. You probably won't find too many 4's, I don't usually go for media I think everyone would enjoy. That's not like a, "I'm special!". I also believe there is little to no media or art out there that everyone will enjoy.

If you'd like to suggest something you would like me to see - I enjoy consuming media that others enjoy - you can do so below! I'll probably replace this widget/comment box with something better down the line, but for now...it's fine.